- Nylofelt™ Running strips for greaseless operation
- Smooth, Quiet & effortless rolling action
- Rubbed coated steel door stops for superior balance
- Bottom weatherseal
- Springs designed to exceed 20,000 cycles
Developed in 1956, the B&D Roll-A-Door® stands out from the competition, and will enhance the appearance of your home with its quality finish. Safety for your family:
- Steel door stops, not plastic like some brands.
- Locking bar end covers to prevent injury to fingers.
Smooth, quiet operation
- Nylofelt® running strips to provide greaseless operation.
- Roll-A-Guides and mini groove top sheet on the Squareline Deluxe to help reduce chances of paint scuffing.
- Rubber coated guide stops to prevent metal on metal contact.
- Guide block and roller for smooth, quiet operation.
Partner your Roll-A-Door with one of the B&D Controll-A-Door openers and you will have one of the quietest automatic doors available.
Easy operation
- Castellated drum wheels.
- Combination of drum and precision springing ensuring consistent balance, and allowing you to stop the door where you want it, and it will stay there.
- Nylofelt® running strips (and Roll-A-Guides) for effortless rolling action.
- Sleek D shaped lifting handle, conveniently located to assist you with opening and closing.
- Finger friendly internal lock snib for easier use of the internal lock.
- Springs designed to exceed the Australian Standard for garage doors – 20,000 cycles.
- Soft, pliable bottom weatherseal to help stop leaves and rain coming in under the door.