Roll-A-Door® Series 3 Squareline
The Series 3 Squareline Roll-A-Door is perfect for tight headroom situations, or where maximum opening height is required, the Series 3 Squareline is custom-made to suit every opening, making it ideal for many businesses.
Key features include;
- Innovative Nylofelt running strips ensure seamless, quiet operation.
- A heavy gauge 0.5mm curtain, with optional wind-locking, ensures strength and protection from the elements
- A waist-high slide locking bolt offers optimal protection from break-ins or unwanted entry.
- Sturdy springs designed for 20,000 cycles.
- Prevents penetration of moisture and dust, thereby minimising the chance of corrosion
- Strong, while providing an attractive appearance
- Ideal solution for openings with sloping floors
- Added protection against dirt, leaves and weather
- Provides a profile match for situations where small and large openings are next to each other
Operational Effort
- Nylofelt® is used to minimise friction at the working surface.
- Delivers continuous smooth, quiet operation.
- Minimal effort and without so much as a touch of lubricant.
- Direct Drive gearing assembly provides low operating effort.
Secure Locking
- Locks are located at waist height internally at the left hand side as standard (inside looking out)
- No bending required to unlock doors
- Ensured security
Easy Opening
- The gearing assembly is mounted inside the door roll to minimise side clearance requirements and with its no maintenance, low friction characteristics, provides low operating effort to open and close very large doors. Features include:
- Doors up to 2400mm high can be operated by hand without the need of chain wheel equipment
- Doors between 2400mm and 3050mm use efficient direct chain drive
- Ease of single handed operation.
- Balanced loading and withstands very high overload forces without ill effects
- Available in an extensive range of standard Colorbond® colours.
- Zincalume® coated finishes designed to gain greater impact.
- As an option, Zincalume® coated finish can be polyurethaned on site for even wider colour selection.
- No greasing of the door guides is required, and the axle, hubs and all other working components have either been manufactured with self-lubricating materials or greased at the factory.
- Centre lift lock with external key and internal knob operation
- Waist high internal side bolt locking
- Bottom rail four point slide locking
- Electric and remote operation are available.